The Cahuenga Pass Property Owners Association holds annual elections for its Board of Directors and Directors are elected by the membership.
The election may take place at the General Meeting or by mailed ballot. Anyone who is a paid member may run for a position as a Director on the Board. The Board may have up to 21 Directors.
How To Nominate
Any CPPOA member may nominate his/her/themselves or another member to the Board of Directors. In order to be a board member, you must be in good standing with CPPOA. Director’s term is one year. There are no term limits.
Once all members who wish to run for the Board have turned in their biographical information to the Election Chair and a slate of candidates has been established, voting takes place. Voting takes place either on paper ballots mailed to paid members or by a show of hands at a General Meeting. The candidates with the highest number of votes are elected.
Election of Officers
Once Board Directors have been elected, they then choose the Officers of the Corporation. The officers are:
Vice President
Treasurer (Chief Financial Officer)
Would you like to be a Board member?
If you are a member in good standing of the CPPOA and would like to run for the Board of Directors or you would like to nominate another member of the organization, who is in good standing, to the Board, please contact the Elections Chair.
Elections Chair
Dan Bernstein is the Chair of the Elections Committee. He may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 323-876-9934.