Dear Neighbors,
Many years ago, I received a letter from the Cahuenga Pass Property Owners Association informing me of the work the members were doing to address problems and situations that affected our area. I immediately wrote a dues check to help defray any expenses that might be incurred by our neighborhood association. Many years later, I actually joined the CPPOA Board. You can read about our accomplishments here.
We also volunteer to attend quarterly meetings at Universal, the Mulholland Design Review Board, the Ventura Blvd/Cahuenga Blvd Specific Plan Review board, the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council, and the Hillside Federation and we have close working relationships with our City Councilmember, our County Supervisor, and our local property owner and homeowner associations.
Your dues are used:
- to send out letters, notices and newsletters
- to create and maintain our web site on which you can find useful information about our community, what is going on in the neighborhood, and updates about the meetings we attend
- to donate to our local fire station
- to help defray costs of expert advisors related to major developments affecting our neighborhood
The Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month, usually in the small conference room at the Nissan dealership on Cahuenga Blvd West. You are welcome to join us. Just contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to attend. On occasion we change the meeting day due to holidays or other reasons, so do check with us first.
If you have not paid your current dues, or if you are a new joining member, please CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE CPPOA MEMBERSHIP FORM, print it out, and send it to:
Cahuenga Pass Property Owners Association
P.O. Box 1655
Hollywood, CA 90078